Advance your solar installation business

Dedicated management tools for solar panel installations.

Specialised solar project management

Efficient tools designed for the specific needs of solar installations.

Custom Solar Installation Quotes

Generate precise, detailed quotes for solar panel installations.

  • Include various panel types, installation costs, and energy savings.
  • Present options for different solar systems and configurations.
  • Emphasise environmental impact and long-term financial benefits.
Sunlight and solar panels

Project Scheduling & Execution

Organise and track solar projects from start to finish.

  • Plan installation timelines and resource allocation efficiently.
  • Monitor progress and adjust schedules in real-time.
  • Ensure timely and quality completion of solar installations.
Replacing solar panels

Client Communication & Support

Build trust with transparent and ongoing client communication.

  • Provide regular updates through client portals.
  • Educate clients about solar energy benefits and maintenance.
  • Collect feedback to enhance services and client experience.
Solar panels on roof